Amazon Copywriting and SEO Product Listing Optimization Guide: Improve Sales

When it comes to Amazon SEO, you should know about writing and optimizing web pages for Google and eBay. Amazon’s A9 Algorithm and Google search engine have become more similar in the last few months but there is an important difference between these two.
Selling on an eCommerce platform is not that easy, you need a mixture of skills and creativity to be a successful seller.
Here is a few important pieces of information we are providing to create Amazon product listings which will help you to increase the rank on the search result page.
Everything you should know about Copywriting for Amazon SEO
Amazon has many Terms and Conditions for the services that are unsurpassed. You need to make sure what you should do and what you cannot. Without an understanding of Amazon’s Terms and conditions, you should not do anything as it can be risky.
Until and unless I have the proper understanding of the Amazon Product Listing Copy like rightfully what I can do and what not, I would not dare to write it.
If at all sellers breach the policy and Amazon get to know about that, sellers can face below consequences,
- Product listings can be removed Temporary or permanent
- Sellers account can be suspend
- Sellers account can be banned by Amazon
Below are the restrictions for Amazon Product Description Copy:
Description Length of 2000 characters
In the product description, there is a limit for characters and that is 2000 characters. This is standard for all categories. If you are writing for a web page then you will get enough space in Amazon Product Description and it will be around 250 to 300 words and it totally depends on how much specification or description your item needs. There are other types of listings as well where you get extra space in the description like Enhanced Brand Content.
Title Length
Title length is different for every category in Amazon and it’s between 50 characters to 200 characters. If at all you exceed the character more than 200, your listing will be suppressed from Amazon’s search result but there are still many categories that are not updated yet and in those categories character count is up to 250.
250 characters are allowed by Amazon for keywords in the backend. Supervision offers by Amazon in the form of style guide but most of the time it gives you outdated information.
You need to find out the trusted source of Amazon copywriting information that helps you understand in a better way.
Optimization of Amazon Product Listing Copy for SEO professional Amazon copywriter- How to do it?
Every component of Amazon’s A9 Algorithm can be found within Amazon’s site. You can also add links of your outside marketing on your page like social media and that will help in listing ranking on Amazon.
Below are the points which Amazon looks into it:
- Your recent sales history
- Your account history like violations, suspension, complaints etc
- Bounce rates that mean if you have done Amazon PPC, customers click on your listing but they do not buy it.
- Quantity and Quality of reviews.
- Inventory Level
- Your sales conversion rate
- Quality of your listing, optimization of title, bullet points, description and search term.
Often Amazon pays attention to individual keywords instead of whole key phrases. It’s not necessary that always you have to use the exact key phrases in your Amazon draft copy for example if you have optimized your listing for the term “chocolate chip cookie” then you can use these words separately in your copy like the word “chocolate”, the word “chip”, the word “cookie”.
Amazon Product Title
This is the most important thing when it comes to the Optimization of your product page.
The keywords you use in your title plays the most important role. You should use primary key phrases that can be used around the front.
Amazon Feature Benefit Bullet Points
Key Feature bullets also indexed by Amazon on product pages. If you use keywords and phrases in your bullet point, it will help you in the search results.
Product Description
Product description can be indexed for search but it’s not requiring all the time. If you include the keywords in the section that’s enough.
Keyword Search Term
As we mentioned already that for keywords you can use 250 characters maximum in the backend search term field for your listings. Keep that in mind you cannot use the duplicate terms in Amazon SEO. If you have used the word in your title, then it’s not necessary that you have to use the same keyword in the search term. Use another keyword in the backend search term so Amazon will count both the keywords.
How to Write Product Description Copy copywriting for amazon listings that helps in increasing the sales
Amazon is the biggest eCommerce platform to sell online items. Amazon has millions of sellers and buyers and also there multiple sellers who sell the same product. Due to that buyers compare the item with your competitors before buying the item.
It’s very important to show buyers that your product is far better than your competitors.
Keep that in mind you are not the only seller on Amazon, so it’s very important to include the terms which attract the buyers towards your product and make them buy it.
Titles keep the find balance between A9 algorithms and to attract the buyers towards your product.
The second most important thing is The Key feature Bullets as buyers do read the components of the listings. Amazon provides you the space to mention the 5 bullet points of your product so Make sure you mention the 5 main features of your product and out of those 5, the best one should be on the top line.
When you write your Bullets, you can use multiple things like you can answer the customer’s questions, you can highlight the features of your product which your competitors don’t, include lifestyle uses, etc.
While listing your item, think from the buyers’ perspective, why should they buy your product? What is best that your product? Why your product is better than the other sellers on Amazon who are selling the same product? Make sure the copy should be focused on your product that explains all the features of your product, use of the product, etc. You can also mention customer services, Prices, and reviews.
Amazon Product Description Writing should be short and self-explanatory. After reading the product description customer should be able to paint the picture of the item and that helps them to buy the product.
Comprehensive and appealing item description comprising the information of your product, brand story, features, benefits, items included in the box, directions for use, and all the other secondary information.
When customers buy online they do not know anything about the product. It’s up to you, how you present your item to the customer and how you going to do is, writing the good content, use the lifestyle and infographics, mention the best features of your product, mention how to use, about the material of the item, do’s and do not of the item. These are the only things that guide the customer and help them in buying decisions.
Remember, Amazon listing can be tricky but not that difficult. It can be confusing at times but once you learned how to do it, you will be a master in it.
Essentials of Amazon SEO Copywriting and For Amazon Product Copywriter
When we talk about Amazon SEO Copywriting services, there are certain primary goals,
- Make sure to attract visitors to click on the listing
- Need to make sure we satisfy buyers purpose of buying the product
- We need to make sure that customer buy the product
You need to present our product like what product can do, all its features, how does it look, etc. Besides that, you also need to make sure Amazon’s ranking algorithm
Most of the time sellers hire Marketing Agencies for SEO copywriting services for creative and unique content but if you want to try it by yourself, you can surely do it. You only need to remember the basic rules of SEO and the best expertise.
Hire Experienced or professionals for Amazon SEO Copywriting
There are lots of things you need to do when it comes to selling on Amazon like optimization, titles, Product description, and optimization of keywords. The more you put in your efforts, the more you will increase your conversion ratio but sometimes it’s not possible to handle so many things at a time and due to the less time and so much pressure, you miss out on some of the other things.
That’s the reason it’s good to hire Amazon SEO Copywriting Services who will do the job for you.
We eCommScience marketing agency are here to help you in every possible way. We have a dedicated team of Amazon Consultants and Amazon Copywriter to look after our client’s account and give their 100% to increase our client’s sales.
So without wasting time, get in touch with us to help you achieve your goals,
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