How to Do Amazon Keyword Research: Complete Guide Tutorial Techniques

Amazon Keyword Research is an important feature of selling on Amazon.
Mainly keyword Research or keyword optimization is used for the right customers to find your product listings and Amazon product ranking.
Targeted Incorrect or irrelevant keywords can lead to a low sales conversion ratio and hampers to grow of your business.
If you have a broad range of appropriate keywords then your product will have the best chance of being seen by customers who intended to buy the product.
Most of the time beginners or new sellers on amazon face difficulties on how to target the appropriate or right relevant keywords.
Just to help Amazon Sellers, we provide you few Amazon Keyword research tips on keyword research and also how to improve the ranking on achieving good sales.
We eCommScience Amazon marketing agency has 7+ years of experience. We have created more than 1000+ Amazon listings with appropriate keyword research and it helped our clients to improve their product ranking.
This is the Amazon Keyword Guide.
If you want to buy or sell the product, Amazon is the largest search engine for that. It’s exceptionally valuable as every search done on Amazon has Purchase intent that means customers are looking to buy that particular item.
If you are selling on Amazon, the first thing sellers want that their product should be on the first page of the search results and we can improve the product ranking by using appropriate keywords.
Keywords are important factors but relevancy is more important. For Example
If you are targeting the keywords to rank on the first page, the search result must be below,
- High Keyword Search Volume
- Highly relevant and specifically describe your product
Amazon’s A10 Algorithm Rank Products
If you talk about Amazon’s Algorithm, it’s beyond our level to understand. No one can understand all its variation, including Amazon’s top-level employees.
We only know the basic factors of it. For Amazon, customers are more important than anything. They always enhance for better customer experience.
Amazon is the most reputed eCommerce platform as its services are reliable, with affordable prices and they always deliver the item on time. They do not want their reputation to spoil.
The algorithm is something that shows products to customers quickly they are looking to buy.
For every product sold, amazon takes %15 referral fees. Having said that, Amazon wants sales, for them sales are sales. They just want products to sell; it doesn’t matter if it’s yours or your competitors.
The algorithm is set in such a way that it will show the product to customers they are looking to buy.
Amazon SEO A10 Algorithm Ranking Factors
- Relevancy – Relevancy is the most important factor for you to sale your product on Amazon. You need to make sure that your product is optimized with accurate keywords.
- Price – Compare your product pricing with your competitors as low price products have a high conversion ratio.
- Reviews – Make sure reviews of your product should be good as it does affect your conversion rate. Most of the time customers read the reviews before they buy the item.
- Keywords – More Buyers search for the keywords and they end up buying your item, the algorithm sees your item is relevant to the keyword customers looking for.
There are other ranking factors as well but these are important ones.
Main Amazon Keyword Term:
- Search Term: Keyword or phrase which is typed by customers in to the Amazon search bar.
- Keyword: Keyword is mainly present to one single word.
- Phrase: Phrase means multiple words typed in the Amazon search bar.
- Short Tail Keywords: Short Tail Keywords mostly have higher search volume as most of the customer customers don’t like long phrases. It consists of keywords 2 words or less.
- Long Tail Keyword: It consists of keywords 3 words or more.
- Exact Match: Search term written inaccurate way.
- Phrase Match: Search term written in an almost accurate way.
- Broad Match: Search term written in a similar way as the searcher.
Optimized Amazon Listing: Keyword Balance
Amazon Keyword optimization is required to feed the Amazon algorithm.
Over-optimization of keywords makes it hard for customers to pick out the information which is helpful for customers to make a buying decision and it doesn’t make the conversion rate low.
Low Conversion rate makes your sales and keywords raking suffer
Main Elements of Optimized Amazon Listing
Find out the important information, benefits, and features which is helpful for buyers and put them in the listings in a way that is easy for customers to understand.
While searching for the product, based on the Amazon product photography, price, reviews, Enhanced Brand Content, and A+ Content and title customers decide where to click. Now it’s on our hands how we can make image and title more effective, which attracts the buyers as we have control over image and title.
It’s very important to have the right balance of key info optimization. If your competitors show their product in a better way then buyers can be distracted very easily.
You need to be a careful with title, bullet points in your images as many buyers do not read the complete description or text.
Persuasive Desire Optimization
We need to use sales copywriting principles in both the text and images of the listing.
Buyers should feel the importance of the product they are buying. Most of the buyers do not even know what they want to buy.
We need to guide them through our content and image which helps them visualize how it would feel if they buy that item.
Amazon Keyword Research Step by Step
Set up your keyword Master sheet And Amazon keywords example
We need to collect the data from different tools and combine it together and put them in a master spreadsheet with the different searches in different tabs.
Select your seed Keywords
We need to select the keywords that can present the product that we are trying to sell.
It should be short. We need to create a list of all possible keywords that could be top performers. After that we need to find out which keywords are worth using and which one’s not. We can find out that with the help of tools like Helium 10. We need to make sure that we have the most relevant keywords.
Let’s go through with the different methods,
Reverse ASIN
Reverse ASIN tool helps us to know what the keywords competitors are using are and if they are in top ranking in the search result. By doing this we will save lots of time in thinking which keywords are good and which one should we use.
There are many tools available which we can use but most of them are paid ones. Below is from Helium10 Reverse ASIN.
Helium10 is the Best Amazon seller tools out there For keyword research, Product research, Operation, Marketing.
How to use it:
- We need to find out the top 3 competitors, copy and paste their ASIN in the search bar.
- Export the excel sheet, then copy and paste all the result into a master spreadsheet
Keep eye on Backend Search Term and Backend Keywords:
There are few tools that you can use to check what your competitor’s Amazon listings are putting in their search field. It’s not visible on the listings and its 250 character field. Best keywords can be placed by this tool.
In this tool, you need to put competitors ASIN and you should be able to see their search terms and subject matter. Let us tell you that it’s not a free tool.
By using this tool, you will get to know how other sellers are optimizing this field, currently, what are they doing, etc.
Extract Data from the Search Term Report:
You can use this only if you are running an Amazon PPC sponsored ads on your product. In Amazon Ads ‘Search Term Report’ some of the best keyword data is available and it’s the only Amazon real data that gives you the conversion rate and grade on click-through.
In order to export this, go to the seller central tab, click on Advertising Tab under Advertising Report, click on “Search Term” and select the date range and then click on create a report.
You can open the spreadsheet in excel and filer the keywords that are on the top.
You can filter the keywords with a low ACOS and a high conversion rate.
If your ACOS is low that means you are getting high sales. Your ACOS should be lower than your profit margin of the product.
Amazon AutoSuggest or How to get free Keyword ideas from Amazon
When we try to put something in the Amazon search bar while searching, it gives us the relevant keywords or we can say the most searched keywords.
So now we can pick the most searched keywords from there and can use it in our listings to make it better.
Do this in an incognito browser window. By doing this Amazon doesn’t take your past searches and history while recommending the phrases. In order to open the incognito browser, click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner (Highlighted in Yellow) in Google chrome.
If you are doing it manually on Amazon and if you want the faster result from many searches at once then you can use Keyword Tool.
keyword research techniques from competitors products
There is also a way to research a keyword like taking keywords from your competitor’s title.
Google keyword planner for Amazon Keywords Tips
As we all know Google is the largest search engine in the world used by millions of people. They have a keyword tool which is called ‘Keyword Planner’ and it’s free.
Google SEO (Search engine optimization) also provides traffic to your Amazon product pages. So if you optimize your Google SEO, it eventually helps in your Amazon SEO by way of free Google search traffic.
Use of Amazon Keyword Research Tool to Expand and Identify the right keyword search volume
Now your keyword master spreadsheet is ready with many keywords. We will check the keywords through different keyword tools to Identify which keyword has a high search volume on Amazon.
Many Amazon Keyword research tools are available, some of them are paid and some of them are free. For Example,
We eCommScience are using high-quality keyword research tools and by using the same tool we have optimized 1000+ Amazon listings till now.
Just to let you know all that we are using Helium 10 and we are affiliate partners of Helium 10. We will give you the Training and Guidance of the Helium 10 research tool.
How to use Amazon relevant keywords in our listings:
Now we know how to find out the relevant keywords or the best one to use in our listings. We can use them on our title, product description, bullet points, wherever it is possible to use.
Your listings should be written in such a way that is easy for your customer to understand and should be effective so you’re your conversion rate gets high. Make sure not to put so many keywords as it doesn’t look good.
How to increase Ranks
After following all the necessary steps and using the relevant keywords will surely help to increase the ranks.
But for a new seller, it will be very difficult to show the product on the first page as bestsellers or competitors already covered the first page and it will be very difficult for you to get any sales as your product won’t show up on the page.
Still, you have a chance to rank your product by using Amazon’s relevant keywords. If you have the right keyword and buyers are searching for that particular product, it will automatically generate sales and ranks will get higher.
For example, my product wedge pillow is on the 90th for “wedge pillow keyword”. If 60 people search the product with the same keyword and buy the product. The rank will get increase and eventually it will show up on the 1st page.
If your product is attractive and your keyword is relevant to the buyers, automatically you will get sales and you should be able to maintain your rank.
This technic has a high ROI than PPC, advertising, and other methods of Amazon marketing.
To increase your rank, it’s always better to target the small keywords first.
Identify the Amazon relevant Keywords
- Search the relevant keywords (We have already covered how to search the relevant keywords), download the data, and create a master spreadsheet.
- You need to open the master sheet and sort the data by the search volume.
- Now you need to mark the top 10 or 8 keywords that have a high search volume. Make sure the keyword should not belong.
- Out of those 10 or 8 keywords, find your top 3. You need to use your logic, do the little brainstorm, and identify the reason. Think in many perspectives
- Search all the best keywords on the Amazon search bar and look for the result. If at all different products come up, change the keyword.
Make sure that the result you are looking for the same product that you are selling.
The keyword is all about logic and to identify the reason. You need to do a lot of research and time for best keyword search.
Amazon Listing Optimization
You need to always optimize your listings as per the demand and market. Below are the points that can help in listing optimization,
- You need to track your Amazon keyword ranking if you’re listing getting traffic or not. You can track the Amazon keyword rank by using different tools. These tools help you to identify what’s working or good in your listing and what’s not. It will alert you if something goes wrong with your keywords.
We eCommScience use Helium 10 software to track the keywords but there are much software available, you can use any.
- Keep checking if your keywords are indexed. Sometimes, your keywords gets de-indexed for some reason and that means if anyone searches your product by keyword, they won’t be able to find it on any page.
Other Amazon Keyword Resources
Now after going through so many steps and procedures of keyword research, you all must be thinking it’s really tuff and going to take a lot of time. Yes, that’s true! You have to spend lot of time and hard work to do it.
Below are the few other resources for Amazon Keyword optimization,
Free Tools:
- Helium 10 Scribbles
- Helium 10 Frankenstein
- PPC Keyword Tool
- Scientific Seller
- HTML Editor
- com
- Google keyword Planner
Paid Tools:
- Helium 10 Cerebro
- Zonguru
- Keyword Tool
- Helium 10 Magnet
FAQ of Amazon Keyword Research
What is Amazon Keyword Research?
Millions of people use Amazon to buy the products. Buyers use the keywords or phrases to search the product so you can use that data to optimize your amazon listing and it will help to show your product on the page.
How to do Amazon Keyword Research?
We have created the Guide and procedure on Amazon Keyword Research. Click on the link for the detailed procedure.
What are best tools for Amazon Keyword research?
- MerchantWords
- Helium 10 Cerebro
- Helium 10 Magnet
- Keyword Tool
- Zonguru
What does keyword research mean?
Keyword Research is SEO process of identifying your target keywords or popular keywords or phrases buyers enter in to the search engine and by using relevant keywords you can optimize your Amazon product page. Proper keyword research helps to identify which keywords you can target to boost your Amazon SEO.
What are platinum keywords in Amazon?
Platinum keywords are only for platinum level merchant accounts on amazon.
How many characters of keyword Amazon Allow?
Amazon allows only 250 characters in search term field.
How do you increase visibility and ranking on Amazon?
In order to show your product on the first page, you need to research the popular keywords through the Amazon keyword research tool. This can be done, if buyers type in that targeted keyword in the search bar and then buy your product. If many buyers do the same, your rank will get increase automatically.